Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Medley from '07 (Coldplay Cover)

Right at the bottom of the pile of rubble that is the folder entitled "Delhi 07" is this gem, imaginatively entitled 'video 248'. What makes the 7:36 minutes of this video so very epic? Well, it's a Coldplay medley, and everyone knows Coldplays lyrics give you that warm, fuzzy, but slightly aching feeling in the pit your stomach: "I know exactly what you're saying, Chris Martin! And I kind of wish I didn't."

Oh, what good is it to live with nothing left to give,
forget but not forgive, not loving all you see?

However, what's really special about about this video for me is the people. I have my trusty buddies Andy and Tenzing beside me, our hands moving in perfect synchrony up and down the fretboards, as though we are one three-headed musical insect with six comically bobbing feet. There's a moment when we're singing in three-part harmony, and the many-voiced crowd joins in:

Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

I treasure that moment.

I know my smile at the end was tight-lipped and self-conscious, and I forgot to say "Thank you" before I fled from the stage, but I think this was one of the highlights of my college existence. For a few fleeting moments I wasn't just one lonely, slightly awkward undergraduate student - as we all sang together, I was part of something bigger, and it felt amazing. Oh, to live a life caught up in something bigger than myself!

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